Welcome to the new, revised, and updated website of the Dog Island Conservation District (DICD), an independent special district and political subdivision of the State of Florida.
Purpose of the DICD
The district was created to “guide and accomplish the coordinated, balanced, and harmonious development of Dog Island in Franklin County, in accordance with existing and future needs, to promote the health,safety, and general welfare of the area and its inhabitants, visitors, and property owners, to establish, maintain, and preserve aesthetic values and preserve and foster the development and display of attractiveness, and to prevent congestion and the destruction of natural beauty” (see Enabling Legislation below).
District Boundaries and Service AreaPer enabling legislation: “The district shall include all that portion of Dog Island located in said county [Franklin] east of the westernmost boundary of that section of the island known as Cannon Ball Acres or more specifically described as a line running North 04°29′ 24′′ W. for 70.49 feet from the CMF marking the West Boundary of Cannon Ball Acres, Lot 34 (unrecorded Sub.) set by Robert A. Bannerman, P.L.S. FLA Cert. No. 3214, and a line running into said CMF marking at N.05°39′ 16′′ W. of 144.76 feet.”
Thumbnail map links to full size version showing approximate location of DICD in relation to Dog Island and Carrabelle Harbor.
Services Provided
The enabling legislation charges the DICD with constructing, operating, and maintaining the following specialized public functions or services within the District:
- To construct, reconstruct, improve, extend, enlarge, repair, and maintain public roads within the district;
- To establish set-back requirements for coastal construction, which may be more restrictive than those established pursuant to general law;
- To develop and execute plans for beach erosion prevention and control, and restoration and control of the activities relating to the use and maintenance of the beaches and sand dunes which may be important to their preservation and enjoyment, provided that nothing contained herein shall be construed to confer the authority to prohibit or restrict the use of the public beaches for the purpose of commercial fishing;
- To establish and maintain such other programs and projects as may be appropriate to the maintaining of the natural beauty and terrain and enjoyment of the lands of Dog Island lying within the district;
- To develop and control recreational facilities on the island;
- To plan, develop, and implement insect control and eradication programs;
- To plan, develop, implement, and construct garbage disposal facilities and programs and to require the use thereof and to regulate waste disposal;
- To plan, develop, and implement programs for transportation services on the island and to and from the mainland; and
- To plan, develop, and implement programs and systems relating to sanitary sewer service and water supply.
District Charter/Enabling Legislation
Please see official copy of enabling legislation in the Florida Archives. The district was originally created in 1975 and re-enacted and re-established by the Florida Legislature in 2001.
General Contact Information
Dog Island Conservation District
P.O. Box 14288
Tallahassee, FL 32317-4288
Registered agent / registered office:
William Stone
P.O. Box 14288
Tallahassee, Florida 32317
DICD Board Members (as of September 2023):
William Stone, Chairman
2047 Country Club Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Term expires: September 2025
Eddie Hudson, Vice-Chair
3761 Four Oaks Blvd
Tallahassee, FL 32311
Term expires: September 2025
David Brady, Treasurer
8113 Longmeadow Dr.
Tallahassee, Florida 32312
Term expires: September 2026
Nancy Kellett, Board Member
921 Abbiegail Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Term expires: September 2026
Eric Will, Board Member
7360 Skipper Lane
Tallahassee, FL 32317
Term expires: September 2025
Revenue Information
The DICD currently imposes a 4 mil ad valorum tax rate, reasserted at every initial budget hearing annually in September. In addition, there is a $2 per cubic ft removal fee ($25 minimum) for construction debris, white goods, and large household items, as well as a Road Use fee collected when a motorized vehicle arrives on District property, per Resolution #9118 (updated September 2, 2023 and effective January 1, 2024). These revenues are authorized by Chapter 2001-304, Florida Statutes.
General Financial Information
Fiscal Year: October through September.
Annual Financial Reports can found at the Florida Department of Financial Services website (search for “Dog Island”).
Audit Reports are available at the Florida Auditor General website.
Budget Information
Please see the FY 2024-25 Budget Summary.
Meeting Information
Four regular meetings of the board shall be held each year: on the first Saturday in January, April, and July, and the Saturday preceding the Labor Day holiday, on Dog Island. The Chairman may fix a different date and location for the January, April, or July meeting so long as 14 days notice is provided to board members and the public. If the Chairman and two additional board members determine that the January, April, or July meeting is unnecessary, the Chairman shall ensure that a statement of waiver is posted 14 days in advance in a public place on Dog Island and the remaining members of the board are promptly notified.
Meeting agendas and minutes are published in the DICD Newsletter, which is circulated in electronic form to all property owners. Each newsletter contains minutes of the most recent meeting, an agenda for the next one, and other announcements and items of interest. Below are links to the most recently published newsletters in Portable Document Format:
An archive of over 100 newsletter back issue PDFs may be found in a folder here. Filenames include the date of the DICD meeting minutes in YYYYMMDD format; for example: newsletter_20150405.pdf.
Meeting notices are published in the following newspapers:
The Tallahassee Democrat
The Wakulla News
The Apalachicola Times
Ethics Information
The DICD follows Florida’s Ethics laws and practices.
Additional Documents and Information
Bylaws of the DICD
Digital Document Repository (under development)
Dog Island Guide — an unofficial compendium of information about visiting and living on the island. Updated February 2025.